Coffee: The Latest Antioxidant in Health
A new competitor in the antioxidant market has emerged thanks to green coffee beans. Green coffee bean extract has been shown to be a more powerful antioxidant than well-known antioxidants such as green tea and grape seed extract.
Coffee's main ingredient, chlorogenic acid, provides many health benefits. It fights hydroxyl radical problems and neutralizes free radicals, which, if left unchecked, can cause cell degeneration. Metabolism is also regulated by chlorogenic acid. Green coffee bean extract has twice the ability to absorb free oxygen radicals than green tea and grape seed extracts.
Avoiding the harmful effects of coffee is one of the benefits of using green coffee bean extract. Chlorogenic acid is thought to increase metabolism by changing the way the body processes glucose. Additionally, it also contains caffeic acid, which helps improve energy levels just like regular coffee. However, green coffee bean extract does not contain cafetal, diterpene, like boiled coffee. Combined with its parent diterpene, kahweol, cafetal raises LDL levels to levels that over a lifetime can increase the risk of coronary heart disease by up to 20%. Assessed liver enzyme concentrations were also affected by these diterpenes. High levels of these substances are a sign that the liver is under stress. However, research evaluating this found that this effect was temporary and that liver enzyme levels were significantly lower than in people with liver disease.
Additionally, it was found that drinking filter coffee has no adverse effects on the liver or cholesterol levels due to the diterpenes found in regular coffee. Harmful diterpenes are removed by the coffee filter. Additionally, there is very little of this diterpene in instant coffee.
Other benefits of green coffee bean extract include helping the body burn a higher ratio of lipids (fats) than carbohydrates, which can help athletes and bodybuilders avoid muscle fatigue and increase the effectiveness of pain relievers, especially for migraines.
Interestingly, further research into the relationship between caffeine and liver disease has shown that, in some people, it can actually support liver function. It was found that people who drink more than two cups of coffee or tea a day are less likely to suffer liver damage from drinking too much alcohol. Because this was a population-based study and not a clinical trial, it is not possible to draw any firm conclusions. However, it does provide some encouraging details. People who drink two or more cups a day have a 50% lower risk of liver disease than those who drink less than one cup a day. Researchers don't know why this protective effect occurs.
The claim that coffee depletes calcium from bones is one of the health concerns posed by the drink. However, this effect has been overestimated, at least in children. Adults consuming a calcium-rich diet will also be protected from negligible calcium loss due to coffee consumption.
Therefore, it is wrong to say that caffeine can hinder children's development. Based on older research involving older people who consumed a lot of coffee and followed a low-calcium diet, it was claimed that caffeine is linked to low bone mass. Recent research in the United States examined the bone density of 80 young men over a six-year period and found no difference between those who consumed high amounts of caffeine and those who consumed low amounts. Other research has shown that getting enough calcium in your diet can compensate for the small amount of calcium lost from your bones.
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